
Hello and thank you for visiting this website! This website is the landing platform of the Thriving Women Artists podcast. It will also be a learning platform in the near future.

Thriving Women Artists (TWA) is an initiative for women who feel motivated to grow and share their thoughts and experiences in the world of art. TWA offers a fun and safe community for people who are exploring to make a living out of their creative endeavours.

After the three of us met at a recurring drawing meet up in Amsterdam, it was Ping He who initiated to start an accountability group with Sarah van Dongen and Dorien Bellaar. Ever since, we met monthly to discuss our plans, projects and progress in our professional creative carriers.

It was in the summer of 2021 that unfolded a brand-new idea to @sarahvandongenillustrations and @dorienbellaar. She suggested to start a podcast together, called Thriving Women Artists.

Since we experienced first hand that starting out as an artist can be lonely, we aim to create a community where you will feel inspired and where you are encouraged to have fun and to learn at the same time. All three of us feel an urge to share our knowledge, joy and the experiences we’ve gained so far.

Would you like to be part of our community?

Thriving Women Artists on Instagram